
April 17, 2020

Save Planet and Pocket this Earth Day

At Debtline, your pockets are our priority, and it just so happens that going green can often save you some green, too.

In honour of Mother Earth, we’ve put together a list of easy lifestyle changes that will help keep both the environment and your finances on track.

Unplug All Your Appliances

Did you know that your appliances and electronics pull energy even when not in use? Unplug small kitchen appliances such as your microwave or espresso machine, and try to plug your gadgets into one extension for a simple switch off. We may have a break from load-shedding, but Eskom has encouraged us to switch off appliances and lights not in use to help save SA’s electricity.

Get Wiser About Water

The current drought that is gripping parts of South Africa has thrown a brighter spotlight on our water usage. Small changes around the house can mean a significant decrease in your water bill, as well as limiting your impact on our restricted water supplies and the environment overall.

Use the Sun to Dry Clothes

One spin in a tumble dryer could be costing you R20. Allowing sunshine and nature to do the drying uses zero energy. Not only is hanging washing a great way to reduce energy, but it also sets aside cash in areas you might not expect. What’s more, tumble dryers can damage your delicate laundry, and washing that’s hung out to dry does not need to be replaced or fixed as often.

Consider Buying Used Items

When reusing or repurposing what you have isn’t possible, find used goods before purchasing new items. Not only will you save some cash, but you’ll also stay away from the packaging that comes with most new items. Whether you’re purchasing clothing, tools or furniture for your stoep, you may find exactly what you’re looking for at second-hand stores or on sites like Gumtree and OLX – at a fraction of the cost.

The earth is our home, and we have a tendency to take things like clean air and water for granted. The truth is, we all need to do our part, and every choice counts. At Debtline, our part is to help your pocket while you work towards a better planet. Get in touch today to find out how!