
October 9, 2019

Top Tips to Make Your Money Go Further

saving money

Staying within your budget can be tough when there are countless payments to make every month as well as trying to stay on top of your every days needs. Adding small changes to your money-habits can have big impacts at the end of the month, helping your budget and money last longer for the next month.

1. Consider Your Monthly Bills

It’s easy for your monthly bills to rack up to an enormous amount before you have time to start tackling any other money you might owe.

Look at your recurring monthly expenses, such as your cell phone bill, internet provider, and rent and consider whether you can cut costs on any of them. Can you take out a less expensive cell phone package or find a better internet plan?

Most providers won’t offer you the best option initially, so call them and negotiate a plan which will work best for your budget. If you can cut down on the monthly costs, you’ll find your budget stretching more and more each month.

2. Avoid Buying New if You Don’t Need It

While it might be nice to walk out of a shop with a shiny new possession, it’s not beneficial to your budget.

Most people sell items because they don’t need them anymore, not because they are broken. Keep an eye on second-hand deals and save on essential items.

Another money-pit is buying brand new clothing on a frequent basis. Your wardrobe doesn’t always need to be brand new. To avoid buying from the shop, keep an eye on second-hand markets, consider doing clothes swaps with your friends, and look away from window shopping; otherwise, you might end up buying something that you don’t need.

3. Clip Coupons

Newspapers and magazines often have coupons which offer money off when you buy a product. When you come across a useful coupon, cut it out and keep it in your wallet or purse. When you’re at the shop and need that item, you’ll have your handy coupon ready to help you save!

4. Save on Sales

If you are shopping brand new, avoid paying full price if possible. End-of-season sales, such as Christmas sales (which generally launch between December 25th and January 1st) can help you save huge amounts on items which might last the year. Looking at winter sales as the season changes to summer will also help you save on warmer items for the next winter.

5. Look for Free Membership Rewards

Most stores offer loyalty rewards without charging you anything to sign up. Some shops also offer discounted prices if you are a ‘member’. Sign up to take advantage of the sales, but be careful not to shop more than you would! Don’t buy something simply because you think you’re saving money on it. If you shop smartly, you could accumulate points which you save up to use on a bigger shopping trip!