

Section 129 letter

section 129 letter

Creditors usually start sending a Section 129 letter, also called a Letter of Demand, twenty business days after an installment was due. You then have ten days to either pay the debt or respond to the letter with some recourse.   It’s important to know that a section 129 letter […]

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15 Money Tips for the Working South African

financial tips for workers

As Worker’s Day approaches, it’s a sensible time for South African workers to reflect on their financial well-being and explore tips to enhance their financial security. Whether just starting your career journey or nearing retirement, implementing sound financial practices is essential for long-term prosperity.  In this article, we’ll share 15 […]

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How To Be Debt Free This Freedom Day

debt free for freedom day

As South Africa commemorates Freedom Day on the 27th of April, it’s an opportune moment to reflect not only on the country’s journey towards democracy but also on our personal freedoms, particularly financial freedom.  Amidst the celebrations and reflections, there’s no better time to break free from the shackles of […]

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How do credit reports work?

credit reports

Credit reports show how well you pay back loans and credit accounts. To borrow money, you need to apply with a lender who checks your history of paying back loans. This is called your credit history and it affects your ability to borrow money, how much you can borrow, and […]

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