

Tips for Festive Shopping on a Budget

shopping on a budget

Did you know? The number of individuals in debt increases by nearly 25% in January and February compared to the rest of the year. This is because many are spending their hard-earned cash from the year on festive and holiday shopping. Buying for and giving gifts to loved ones provides […]

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Avoid the Pitfalls of Black Friday Savings

avoid black friday scams

We all know Black Friday and the ‘savings’ we see. Shop windows shout MASSIVE SALES and our inbox is filled with mails of discounts and massive percentages off prices. It’s exciting to see our favourite products selling at cheaper prices. But if you aren’t careful, the ‘savings’ can become unnecessarily […]

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How to Make The Most of Your Year-End Bonus

bonus tips

The end of the year is coming up quickly, with less than two months left in 2019. The month of November brings with it several things, such as the hard stretch of work before the Christmas holidays and the exciting year-end bonuses! It might be tempting to take your end-of-year […]

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Tips for Saving on Your Electrical Bill

save on your electricity bill

Eskom might be forcing us to cut down on our electricity usage with power outages and load shedding, but it doesn’t mean we’ll be enjoying the benefits of cheaper monthly bills. Cutting down on electricity can be easy if you can put small, simple things in place to make a […]

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Top Tips to Make Your Money Go Further

saving money

Staying within your budget can be tough when there are countless payments to make every month as well as trying to stay on top of your every days needs. Adding small changes to your money-habits can have big impacts at the end of the month, helping your budget and money […]

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Is it Better to Buy or Lease a Car?

buy or rent car

In life, there are a few purchase milestones we hope to reach within our career, one of the biggest ones being purchasing your first car.  Therefore, it is imperative to consider all options and factors before deciding whether it is best for you to buy or lease a car as […]

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How to Talk About Money in your Relationship

Money is a tricky enough concept to figure out when you’re single and alone. Trying to make rent, eat food and somewhat survive is tough but throw another person into the mix and suddenly things start to become problematic. And while a long talk about the history of your credit […]

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Tips On Tackling Your Student Loans

student loans

The millennial generation is the most educated generational group the world has had yet, in fact, many graduates are still celebrating their recent degree accomplishments. And so they should, for getting a degree is no small feat and an imperative step towards a sound financial future. However, only once the […]

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